Sunday, October 26, 2008

Election Blues

I can't wait until the election is over, and all these calls stop . . . And no one knocks on my door. And the signs are taken out of everyone's yards. And I can walk into a coffee shop and not hear people making stupid political comments, and I don't have to walk out, biting my tongue . . .


Erin O'Brien said...

Hi Nin. I so know how you feel. I can't avoid the politics, nor can I ignore them.

It's driving me crazy!

Zaphos said...

I like how you refer to 'the politics' in the plural ... it's not wrong I guess but it makes me imagine a race of little creatures.


"The little politics were swarming around, buzzing in our ears. Like persistent gnats on a muggy summer day, swatting was useless and soon we simply learned to accept them. Come dinner time, we were covered in the awful creatures. Aunt Louise was infuriated, and sure enough she had a spray for killing them off and she doused every last one of us. The food that night tasted like RAID, vanilla extract and catnip oil. But even so, we could see the infuriating little politics creeping back in, buzzing through the screen door ..."

. Salon Noir . said...

haha i like that little poem, zaphos. how about we all invest in earplugs till this is all over

Nin Andrews said...

Wow, Jimmy, that's great!!!!!

Nin Andrews said...
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