A Conversation With Thomas Perry on Suspense and Leaving What Matters
(Killer Writers)
Clay Stafford has a conversation with Thomas Perry on building suspense in
fiction and leaving what matters to keep readers engaged.
The post A Conversat...
9 hours ago
Help! It's cold already. Forecast temps for tomorrow high 48 low 39, with periods of heavy rain. I am beginning to feel like that same frog, whisked off to the Bering Straits... "going off like a frog in a frost," as per JK's phrase.
Dog help the poor frog, caught in these unsettling habitat switches!
(But never fear, it says right here in the Gideon Bible in my motel room drawer that climate change doesn't exist.)
It's been freakish warm here too, high temp records records broken several days this month.
Don't recall offhand seeing anything about that in the Bible...
The lobster picture reminded me off one of those Gary Larson "The Far Side" cartoons of years back -- a chef in a kitchen is holding a lobster, about to plunge the lobster into a pot of boiling water, and in the caption the lobster is frantically saying, "There's no place like home! There's no place like home!"
Maybe that's the government's current plan for dealing with climate change?
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