Chris Westergaard on Teaching Beginners
30 minutes ago
I can't escape the long black skeletal reach of The Church the moment I so much as think this guy's name. The whole incense-laden candle-lit horror of the liturgy hidden in it.
Sanctum Sanctorum.
Holier Than Cow.
I like Holier Than Cow. Santorum's awful, but I try to keep his awfulness his own and separate and apart from any other awfulness of others (the Church's, for instance), which I prefer to consider on a case-by-case basis. I can think more clearly that way, get through the day, make and keep friends, etc. Curtis
I mean, the fact (according to yesterday's NY Times) that the White House is organizing a prayer vigil to take place in front of the US Supreme Court during the Court's session considering the constitutionality of Obamacare (coupled with the fact that this does not trouble the times) is every bit as troubling as Santorum:
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